Wednesday, 13 July 2011


As part of the Thanet Wildlife Project, I am doing some research into conservation volunteering in Thanet and was hoping that you might be willing to answer the following questions. I will be compiling any answers you give me into a report to send to Natural England and using the report to inform a funding bid we are working on. If you would rather answer the questions over the phone, then please let me know ! 

1/ What sort of conservation opportunities/activities are you looking for? How often should they take place?

2/ What training or other support would help you with your volunteer work? (leadership, first aid, organising events, help with setting up a ‘Friends of’ group etc)

3/ Is there anything that might prevent you or someone you know from volunteering?

4/ What do you think of your local greenspaces? Do local volunteer groups make a difference to these greenspaces? If not, why not?